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Andrew Yates sitting in for the Legend… Mike Murphy.
November 28, 2003, 9:00AM – 11:00AM CST, Andrew aired this incompreshensible government scandel with Dr. Mark Geier MD, congressional appointed researcher, and Christy Diemond, Executive Producer of the much acclaimed documentary – “UnInformed Consent – Episode I, Mercury A Slow Death”.
(Download on broadband is approx. 5 minutes. It is “edited” and only has subject content. You will need Real Player.)
A Legend... Mike Murphy.
Friday, September 26, 2003, 9:00AM – 11:00AM CST, Mike is at it again talking with Christy Diemond, Executive Producer of the much acclaimed documentary – “UnInformed Consent – Episode I, Mercury A Slow Death” followed by world renown scientist and mercury expert, Dr. Boyd Haley, PhD and Chair of Chemistry at the University of Kentucky.
The Radio Liberty Show...
Thursday, August 28, 2003
Dr. Stan Monteith, National radio talk show host, “bringing you the Story behind the Story, the News behind the News” spoke with Executive Producer, Christy Diemond, of UnInformed Consent about the dangers of mercury dental amalgam. This was broadcast over the globe 7am – 8am PST. (Download on broadband is approx. 5 minutes. It is “edited” and only has subject content. You will need Real Player.)
The Radio Liberty Show...
Friday, August 22, 2003
Dr. Stan Monteith, National radio talk show host, “bringing you the Story behind the Story, the News behind the News”spoke with Dr. Boyd Haley, Chair of the University of Kentucky Chemistry Dept. about the dangers of mercury dental amalgam. This was broadcast over the globe 8pm – 9pm PST. This followed an interview with Executive Producer of UnInformed Consent, Christy Diemond. (Download on broadband is approx. 5 minutes. It is “edited” and only has subject content. You will need Real Player.)
The Radio Liberty Show...
Friday, August 22, 2003
Dr. Stan Monteith, National radio talk show host, “bringing you the Story behind the Story, the News behind the News”spoke with Executive Producer Christy Diemond of UnInformed Consent. This was broadcast over the globe 9pm – 10pm PST. This followed an interview with Dr. Boyd Haley, Chair of Dept of Chemistry, U of Kentucky. (Download on broadband is approx. 5 minutes. It is “edited” and only has subject content. You will need Real Player.)
The Mike Murphy Show...
Tuesday, April 29, 2003
On Tuesday, April 29, 2003 the Legend, Mike Murphy, of The Mike Murphy Show, 710 KCMO National radio talk show host, spoke with UnInformed Consent. This was broadcast over the globe 9am – 11am CST. The phones were jammed. Tune in and find out you are not the only one. (Download on broadband is approx. 5 minutes. It is “edited” and only has subject content. You will need Real Player.)
“What Really Happened At the IOM – online”
Read about it
Purchase Video
“Deadly Immunity” – Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Full story
Early Feb. 20, 2000 unreleased version
of Verstraeten Study
see PDF file
“Embargoed” Transcript from the Simpsonwood Meeting June 7-8, 2000 in Norcross, Georgia held by CDC Topic: Link between Mercury and Autism
see PDF file
Nov. 2003 Version of Verstraeten Study published in Pediatrics Nov. 2003 with watered down data.
see PDF file
Trailer for Institute of Medicine hearing Feb 2004
see AVI file
Verstraeten’s direct response to complaints in Pediatrics
see PDF file
See Press releases
See Press releases 2003
See Press releases 2004
Attention Healthcare Providers! We are working on an online searchable database for healthcare providers/dentists \who have taken the time… read more
"What Have We Done To Our Children?"
"Nuclear Towns - Nuclear People..."
"Insurance Fraud - Public Sector Scam Artists or Your Own Insurance Company?"
University of Health
US National Academy of
Talk Radio 710 KCMO
The National Academies
Institute of Medicine
Autism A.L.A.R.M
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